Now, if you know me, you know that CFA runs in my blood.
My dad has built them for over 25 years.
It was my first job.
I did marketing for them a few years back.
HOWEVER, it doesn't mean I believe in every little thing they do. It doesn't mean that I agree with all that the company does. BUT, I do respect the tar out of them. For standing firm in their beliefs, even when being attacked at every angle.
They are a class act company.
And I am proud to have been a part of it.
To me, this ISN"T about "supporting" a company for going against the grain of today's uber PC society. [Which the whole "PC" thing just makes me chuckle since it completely
alienates all those who have a different viewpoint of the uber PC crowd/noisemakers--ironic eh?!] This
ISN"T about same sex marriage--I have plenty of friends & family
who are gay/lesbian, and I'm not here to judge them (ps- neither are
you!). I seriously could care less about it. I love them, respect them, and want them to be happy. That doesn't mean I don't have my own personal convictions, but I'm not here to throw them on anyone either. {My beliefs & relationship with God, are just that. Mine. We all have to face Him when our days are up & answer to Him, not each other. I prefer to keep it that way thank you very much!}
To me, this IS about "supporting" a highly successful company in doing with their funds what the deem important. To them. To their culture. To their business.
CFA is & always has been a company based on Christian principles. The fact that they have, and are supporting organizations that are in line with their beliefs, shouldn't be shocking! We all have that right. To support organizations that we believe in. Whether it be financially, with time, services, prayer, whatever! That is our right. And it is also the right of the business owner(s).
To me, this IS about "supporting" a highly successful company in doing with their funds what the deem important. To them. To their culture. To their business.
CFA is & always has been a company based on Christian principles. The fact that they have, and are supporting organizations that are in line with their beliefs, shouldn't be shocking! We all have that right. To support organizations that we believe in. Whether it be financially, with time, services, prayer, whatever! That is our right. And it is also the right of the business owner(s).

To "boycott" an establishment because you don't like what they support, is your right as a consumer. It crosses the line when government gets involved and says they are not going to allow them to have a business because they (he/she) doesn't personally agree with the personal beliefs of the company. SERIOUSLY?!
THOUGHT: Pretty sure every single one of us would end up living in a hole, growing/eating our own food, making our own clothing, building our own homes--all with materials found and made with our hands, if we knew what every single business/business owner of the establishments we visited believed in & supported.....Go ponder on that one for bit.
As for me, I'm going to get some CFA nuggets, waffle fries, & big ol iced tea.
Please & thanks.