[ak-ses-uh-ree] adj: contributing to a general effect; supplementary; subsidiary. [ak-ses-uh-riz] verb: to fit or equip with accessories.

Friday, April 6, 2012


i'm a nanny. 

I love my job. 
I love getting to hangout with munchkins all day.
I love that I get to wear whatever I want. 
I love that I can go and do and tote the lil one(s) around and just do normal stuff during the day.
I love spoiling them rotten & then giving them back ;-)
I love watching them grow & discover new things.
I love learning how to raise kiddos.
I love that I get all these "practice" rounds before it's our time.
I love experiencing all the different ways that the families do "life". 

I am blessed that I have been entrusted to care for these munchkins.
I am blessed that God has given me such a heart for kids. 
I am blessed that my friends & these families allow me to help care for these precious little ones.
I am blessed that I get to do what I love as my "job".
I am blessed that my husband supports me in doing this as my job. 
I am blessed by the responsibility. 
I am blessed by the freedom it allows to pursue other things.

I pray that I do a good job with them.
I pray that I make a positive impact on their little lives.
I pray that I can be a blessing in the families lives. 
I pray that God uses me to shine His light on them.
I pray that I keep them safe. 
I pray that these experiences help me with my family.
I pray that God gives me wisdom daily to help raise them up.
I pray that I can hold up my end of this responsibility. 

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