Just hanging out on a Monday night, flipping back and forth between The Voice & the UK/Kansas game. I'm a bit of a TV junkie. I don't have to be home at a particular time on a particular night, but that's because we have DVR. It's sad I know.
BUT... it leads me to a bigger issue I have with our society today. While watching a video for my small group last week--Lioness Arising by Lisa Bevere (READ IT!!!!!!), she mentioned something that really made my skin itch. You know what I mean? If not, I mean, it really bothered me. It ticked me off to be honest. Not by what she said...but what it implied about where our society is at, and where it is headed.
Lisa mentioned about a few FB post she put on her wall. One was about human trafficking, and how many women go missing on a daily basis. The other was about a type of shirt she should wear while speaking. Guess which one got more hits? Caused more of an outrage? If you guessed the human trafficking, you are sadly mistaken. Out of 25k + followers, only about 40 people commented or got upset by that post. 40. The shirt comment, however, had over 250+ comments and people were FB fighting on what was appropriate or not (sleeveless or not!). SERIOUSLY people?!?! Just writing about it now makes my skin itch, heart race, fingers type faster, and blood boil.
What is wrong with us?
Where are our priorities?
How can we be so shallow?
Where have we gone wrong?
How can we be so blind to what is happening around us?
I think our society knows more about the Kardashian's lives then what is going on next door. I think my generation is so enthralled with "reality" TV, that they have missed the "reality" of what is going on around them. I think my generation, especially the females, are so caught up in the "celebrity" world, that we have missed out on our "real" world. We would rather spend $ on the trash mags to find out "what's going on in their world" than spend it on something worthwhile...like a neighbor, or charity, in someone in need.
Instead of conversations focusing on the lives (make ups/breakups/rumors/etc) of the celebs...shouldn't we be talking about the real things going on? Like the shooting in Oakland today. Or the future of our healthcare system. Or the fact that there are 27+million in human trafficking. OR that our "backyard" or N Chs is one of the most dangerous cities in the nation---they are HURTING & need us to love them. Things like this should be our "reality tv" don't ya think??
I don't understand it. I'm not saying that I'm not guilty of it....because I definitely have been. Sometimes it's a nice escape from all the stuff we are forced to deal with on a daily basis. But, it shouldn't be all that we know about. I'm challenging myself, and I challenge you----spend some time reading or watching the news. Be current on the events, good & bad, happening in our world. Step up. Make a difference. Ruffle some feathers. Make a stand. Get involved. BE INFORMED!!!!
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