[ak-ses-uh-ree] adj: contributing to a general effect; supplementary; subsidiary. [ak-ses-uh-riz] verb: to fit or equip with accessories.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My World in Video: What I'm Fighting For

Use your voice
To be their voice.
Remain hopeful
& be their hope.
Help free them.
Become their FREEDOM.

This is what I'm fighting for. 
These girls, they are who I'm fighting for. 
Their stories are why I'm fighting for it. 
Through The A21 Campaign is how I'm fighting for it.
Now is the time when I'm fighting for it.
-->Here<-- is where you can join in the fight with me.

1 comment:

Simply.Lovely.Things said...

I got my earrings today (and mailed yours) and I LOVE them!!! They are perfect!!! Thank you so much!!! <3