in·tro·spec·tion [in-truh-spek-shuhn]
observation or examination of one's own mental and emotional state, mental processes, etc.;
the act of looking within one self
Things I'm acknowledging &/or learning about myself & my life:
I am in awe of how much God loves me.
I am blessed with an incredible husband and family. They are my world.
I'm constantly surprised by my husbands love for me.
I have high expectations when it comes to relationships.
I wear my heart on my sleeve [to a fault].
I over analyze things and situations in my head.
I let others have too much control of my emotions.
It makes me sad that my trust in people is shrinking.
I am realizing that solid friendships are hard to come by.
I treasure my best buds.
I compare myself to others far too much, yet I'm more comfortable in my own skin than ever before.
I'm terrible at surface relationships.
I've never fit into one certain group, and prefer to keep it that way.
I'm not a hipster, nor do I want to be.
I am an "all-inclusive" girl. I hate leaving people out.
I am learning to accept that not everyone feels the same.
I have accepted that some friendships are only around for seasons. People change.
I hate that my face gives away every emotion.
I'm not near as confrontational as I once was.
I have lots of arguments in my head with people, but I would rather let things go.
I forgive easily, but have a very hard time forgetting.
I can't wait to be a mom.
I don't want to be the mom or friend who can't hang with childless friends due to "being in a different life stage."
I am becoming much more introverted than ever before.
I prefer staying in over going out these days.
I'm scared to stay home alone now, even though I used to live alone.
I can't watch crime shows without anxiety.
I love my animals to the moon & back.
I'm an accessory junkie.
I don't think a girl can have too many pairs of shoes. Or scarves. Or purses. Or funky jewelry.
I annoy myself with the lack of patience I have.
I really need to work on my patience with adults. I'm good with the kiddos.
I want to enjoy exercising, but I hate it.
I wish I was still a "night owl".
I now have an internal alarm clock that buzzes at 6:30am.
I am plagued with insomnia most nights.
I'm not near as creative as I would like to be.
I no longer let fear keep me down.
I tend to jump in head first.
I think I can change the world.
I'm passionate about what I do. What I believe. What I want.
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