[ak-ses-uh-ree] adj: contributing to a general effect; supplementary; subsidiary. [ak-ses-uh-riz] verb: to fit or equip with accessories.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I would like to think I'm an optimist. 
Someone who see's things as "half-full".
Who loves looking at the bright side of situations.
Who lives in the lightness and love of this wonderful life.

And, I feel that way 98% of the time. 
[the other 2% is pure hell. literally]

Only when I let things quiet down
--as in become complacent with God --
do things get ugly.
{-Stop praying -Put Him on the back burner -Put everything/everyone else first}

When SILENCE hits
Satan takes hold & RUNs...or rather pulls.
And, he does so with great intensity & force

The struggle sets in.
Its tends to make me extremely uncomfortable & uneasy. 
It can open doors & crack windows in my mind that would probably be best kept shut. 
My minds always ends up in a darker place than I'd like to admit. 
I turn into a "half-empty" monster
I start focusing on the negative.

I get completely FOCUSED:
on what isn't.
on what I should've done differently. 
on the mistakes.
on the regrets.
on all things that I can't change!

Satan is a strong being. 
He grabs onto this and attaches himself to it like a 1000lb weight on my ankles. 

It's a downward spiral. 
Like a staircase that doesn't stop going down. 
Further & further into the abyss.

I get so lost in the darkness that it's hard to remember that I live in the light
I have to claw & fight my way back out. 


I refuse to let Satan win.
I refuse to let Satan keep that foothold on my life. My mind. 
I refuse to let Satan keep me down.

No way.
Not a chance.

I am a fighter.
I don't like excuses.
I won't let him keep me down. [For long.]

I quickly have to kick my own butt into gear. 
Snap out of it & move forward.

Can't live in the past. 
Gotta live for today. 
Gotta live for the present.
Gotta live for the promises my God has made me for. 

 Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.



mrsbonnbonn.com said...

that's right girl!

Sarah said...

satan loves to attack when he sees us not focusing on God. So glad God is stronger than him!